Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When I was in elementary school and middle school, I remember several people coming to school to lecture us about the importance of internet safety. At home, it was also stressed. We did not have email accounts until we were thirteen and facebook was seen as the essence of evil until a just a couple years ago. What I remember most, was the warning to never, ever to enter chat rooms.

Because if you did, you would die. It was inevitable. An old, slimy, hairy, creepy man would be on the other side of the connection piecing together clues about your life. "She wears a cheer-leading jacket and rides bus 134. Her school colors are blue and gold." You know they are thinking it. You know they will find you, and you will die a horrible, painful, gruesome death.

So you imagine my dilemma when to my surprise a little facebook chat window popped up from one of my friends. I usually had it on the offline setting (for previous chatting=death reasons). It was a friend who will be living with me next year. I couldn't very well ignore her as that would be rude. So I did it. I typed into the little box of death.

I'm trying to enjoy what is left of my life. From my understanding chatting on the internet and death have a correlation coefficient of 1 (a perfect positive correlation). I really hope you can all come to the funeral.

Monday, March 14, 2011


This is Anna.

I'm going to write a whole bunch of stuff about myself all in one place in case anyone is stalking me. This will just make finding stuff out about me a whole lot easier.

1.) I like pi (Happy pi day, by the way!)
2.) I REALLY like Star Trek (Go Spock!)
3.) I play trombone
4.) I love my family

That's about it. HAPPY PI DAY!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Best Quiz Ever

I have this nasty habit of procrastination. This past week I was supposed to read about Zoroastrianism and Judaism for my World Religions class. It meets once a week, so we have a whole week to finish every thing. The problem is that the reading takes about three hours to do. It's due by four on Monday.

Sunday night, I hadn't finished the Judaism reading. Eh, I thought, I'll have time to do it tomorrow between classes. I had to skip lunch and any semblance of a break to do it, but I finished it. The only problem was that I couldn't remember anything about Zoroastrianism because I had read it a couple days before. It had all sorts of Persian words that I couldn't remember. My teacher's quizzes are notorious for requiring terms.

I got to class slightly anxious for this quiz. He started talking about California for some reason and some rivalry between southern and northern California. He then said that every semester he liked to have a quiz especially for the southern California people. We were all slightly confused. He said that because they had trouble sometimes, we needed to be nice. Then he put the quiz up. Here it is:

1. Who was the founder of ZOROASTERianism?
a) Moses
b) Muhammad
c) Zoroaster

2. What is the central feature of a fire temple?
a) fire
b) crosses
c) cattle

3. The prophet Zoroaster was
a) a king
b) a prophet
c) a business man

4. The hymns written in Persian came from
a) Persia
b) South America
c) China

5. Put the following religions in alphabetical order: Buddhism, Anglican, and Zoroastrianism

Saturday, February 19, 2011

(This is Anna writing, for those of you who wish to know these things)

Imagine yourself in a room, half of it is lit, the other side darkish. Loud music accompanies the darkness, so if you have a desire to talk you must be on the lighted side. The room is full of teenagers, some jumping around like wild monkeys (these ones probably drank the lemonade, which was spiked with Sprite Zero), others sanding in their group talking, like lions, afraid to leave their pride. Balloons are popping at random intervals, followed by a scream, the remaining balloons are being tossed in the air, with intentions of not meeting the floor again. Where are you? Your at a youth dance of course.

Today I went to the Valentine's Dance (although it's a week after Valentine's day......) I've learned a couple of things, here they are in list form, because frankly, that last paragraph used up all my artistic ability.

  1. Guys have sweaty hands
  2. People look at you with an odd expression when you start dancing with random moves because you don't know the line dance
  3. How to ignore number 2: Don't look at them.
  4. If you jump through a whole song, you get tired......
  5. Don't get too close to the speakers
  6. Justin Bieber really does sound like a girl.
  7. Mom really likes the Chicken Dance
  8. Mom really likes some song about Abra-Abracadabra, and some person reaching out and grabbing ya.

Now that I have shared my wisdom, here is another artistically written paragraph.

Most the time at the dance we (Emily, Emma, Jordyn, and I) stood in the corner and played with balloons and randomly danced. We were then moved out to the dance floor where Jordyn and I alternated between square dancing, doing the monkey, jumping, and spinning. During one of our dances, some guy (his name was either Ty or Ky...... I'm not exactly sure which....) asked me to dance. I said yes (it would have been rude to say no) and we danced. He asked me what grade I was in so I told him I was in 8th, he told me that he thought I was a sophomore. He was a senior (in school, not the old person senior) and that he played soccer and I think he said he wrestled (as you can tell I payed so much attention to Ty...... or Ky......) The second person I danced with was Westley (that wasn't his real name, it's the card he got. We all got a card with some famous couple on it and we had to find the match; I was Buttercup. I call him Westley because I don't know his real name....) Anyway, Westley was in eighth grade, and he played percussion. Ty/Ky said he played trombone in 5th grade, in case you were wondering.

And now you know about my exciting 2nd dance.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sipping Through a Straw and All that Jazz

Well, maybe I invoked the wrong basketball team, what with the hype over BYU's last game. I mean, even I know some of the details.

So some of my friends and I walked into the Cannon center today for dinner. As my roommate and I stood in line to get some kind of chicken dish, I looked over and spied one of my future roommates sitting at a two person table across from a boy. I leaned down (my roommate is not even five foot) and asked her if she knew if our friend was on a date or not. She shrugged. The four of us in our group ended up sitting in the same section with only one table in between us and our friend who was possibly on a date.

Even though the four of us tried hard, we could not think of a good way to go up and ask if she was, in fact, on a date. So we tried waving our arms to get only her attention and not the boy's. Well, there was a table of boys in our way who thought that we might be waving to them. We indicated that we were not, so they tapped her arm. Which was not what we wanted as it got his attention, too. Somehow or another, we got the idea to hold up a ketchup-napkin sign that read, "DATE." Unfortunately, we forgot to consider the boys who sat in between us and our intended target. They had a pen and quickly answered, "Never." How rude. So we got some more ketchup and my friend wrote, "R U Sure?" They quickly scribbled a note and launched the balled up note to our table. "Do you like me?" It asked with boxes to check either yes or no. We wrote, "Depends, who's asking?" We then left, as we didn't want to respond to whatever they answered.

By this time, our friend (who had not been on a date and simply eating with a guy she didn't know) was finished eating. We decided we really weren't done and sat down to eat dessert. I got jello. I took one bite before Charly (one of my friends) said that it would be really fun to eat our jello through a straw. She then delegated two of the other girls (as we had now grown to six) to get more cups of jello while she got straws. We then proceeded to have a jello-slurping contest. I totally won.