Monday, October 19, 2009

An Update on my SUPER Exciting Life

This is an Update on my Super (not) Exciting (Still not) Life:

1.) My name is still Anna (if it's not then I've been putting the wrong name on all my papers)
2.) my birthday is this Thursday (I'll be 13)
3.) Dad let me drive the car around the church parking lot (putting heather, Sarah, and his lives in danger)
4.) We wondered where nonmembers learn to drive
5.) I have my mock trail class trail this Friday (I'm on both trails [there's the 6th grade trail and the joined 7& 8 grade trail] )
6.) my spelling still stinkz
7.) I like pi 3.1415926535897
8.) The vice principal still dislikes me for no apparent reason (must be because of something my siblings did...........)
9.) I'm 1st part/chair in both Jazz Band and Regular Band
10.) I need 4 more value projects for my personal progress church book thingy
11.) I only have 1 class with one of my best friends (and we don't even get to sit next to each other!!!!)
12.) I have a cough
14.) I think I might have triskaidekaphobia