Thursday, December 2, 2010

For my social dance class, we're required to attend a dance lab which is basically just a dance where you dance real dances instead of just swaying back and forth. There was one last night. They called a cha-cha and said it was girls' choice. There was a guy from my class right behind me that also played in the same orchestra I did. I asked him to dance, and he led me out to the floor. We danced through most of the song without incident, discussing the concert and the piece that almost fell apart. He led me into a the sweetheart step, and he was about to twirl me back into dance position when a hand flew out of nowhere.

In the cha-cha there are a lot of breaks where you throw your arms out. I've been hit, and I've hit other people. But usually you catch people in the shoulder, or you stop short and don't nail them too hard. This guy never even saw me. His hand hit full force right in my mouth. It was so unexpected I started laughing. I could feel my lip starting to swell a little and blood flowing to it. I was sure I looked ridiculous. He apologized, so my partner and I resumed dancing.

My partner informed me that my lip was bleeding and asked if I wanted to take care of it. I said I did, and he escorted me off the floor. Sarah happened to be standing right where we came out. She had a shocked expression when she saw my teeth covered in blood. My partner had a dead serious expression when he said that he had tried to kiss me and things hadn't gone well. I laughed, told her I got hit in the face, and went to the bathroom to clean up my mouth.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Exercises, Exercises, Do Your Daily Exercises

So my RA is an exercise and wellness major. As such, she has impressed upon us, her residents, the importance of exercise. My roommate also believes that exercise is a valuable part of life. I believe no such thing. But in wanting to make new friends and such at the beginning of the year, I naively agreed to join them in their fitness endeavors.

Exercise with my RA is not bad. In fact it can be fun sometimes. But my roommate bought one of those workout programs that includes a DVD with a man who yells "Faster! Move!" I lasted a month of this insanity. Then I got sick and had to stop for a couple days. After that nothing in the world could make me start again.

There is a girl on my floor who has the same relationship with exercise as me. She believes it is a good institution, but is not friends with it. We decided we would go running together. At seven in the morning. In the cold. We set the date for the next Tuesday. When Tuesday rolled around, my alarm went off at 6:53, already I knew this was a bad idea.

We met in the hall, and because we both showed up, we decided we might as well go through with it. And as soon as we left the building, there was no turning back. We had forgotten our keys to get into the building. So we headed to the track. It was cold, had we not kept warm, we would have frozen.

I ran a lap and thought I was going to die. I walked another lap while she ran three. We decided that was good enough and headed back. By this time it was 7:30, and the doors don't unlock until 8. Bummer. We walked around the building, and I found my window and started knocking.

In my defense, my roommate had a class at eight and should have been awake. Turns out she had planned on skipping that day. Due to my unfortunate intervention, she awoke to knocking on the window. I saw the blinds crack open and tried to pantomime, "We are locked out of the building. We are very cold. Do you think you could open the side door?" She squinted at me and turned around. We waited a couple minutes and nothing happened.

"Hey!" I kind of did a whisper-yell, "We're locked out. Do you think you could let us in?"

"Are you serious?" I usually don't try to trick my roommate at 7:30 in the morning, but I guess she had just woken up. Maybe my dream-self is more sinister. We got back into the building when another who lives on our floor came out. My roommate didn't make it in time.

We both mutually agreed that running was a bad idea and decided never to try anything so foolish again.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Bleeding Blue

I was reading Anna's post, and I thought, "I should write something." I only have a few minutes before I have to run off to chemistry class, but I thought I'd give a general summary of my life here at college.

1) Dorms. I've decided that I generally like living in dorms. There's thirty-three other girls that share a bathroom with you, but rarely are they all in there at the same time. Plus, if I was to see a certain movie, chances are somebody on the floor has it with them and will watch it with you. (Also, they will later join you when you randomly begin singing, "The Hills Are Alive.")

2) Classes. Other than calculus, my classes aren't that hard. In fact, it is rather fun to go to class most of the time. Today in dance class, we practiced the cha cha, and we learned how to twirl into a bowing position for when the dance ends.

3) Professors. I have some very good professors and some that change the definition of a chromosome back and forth throughout the lecture. But in general, most of them are nice and helpful.

4) Weather. That is one thing I do not like out here. It is raining today, so it has been miserable in the cold trudging back and forth between classes.

Well, I have to take off to class. Luckily I have a friend who saves me a seat.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


  • I have become the Chuck Norris of my band and therefore in charge of all and any knee cap breaking
  • I am the best babysitter ever according to a first grader
  • I have been hit by an idiot running head on through the crowd at a football game at halftime (I was leaving because I was there to see the band)
  • I found out I knew something my dad didn't about computers (if you don't have a fancy smacy computer with some high resolution flat screen, press ctrl, alt, and down)

And that is about it.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Whole Lot of Stuff No One Really Cares About, But I'll Tell You Anyway!

I've discovered that I really do like America. Why? Free bathrooms, nonbubbly water, cold drinks, you don't need a gas mask when you go outside because not as many people are smoking, and normal food, that tastes good. Oh, and people are more patient and less pishy here too.

Now that I've complained I might as well tell you the good stuff about Germany as well. They have pretty castles [but you'd think with all the money they used they could afford to put more clothes on some of those pictures :( ] Austria had cool T shirts saying "No kangaroos in Austria."

Now for my first day of school (which was actually the second day of school.)

I have Algebra and French which are fun. And i didn't get a locker until I had all my books, which I had to carry everywhere, but luckily I didn't have to carry them to the band room which I have at the end of the day. And I'm pretty much in Jazz Band concidering there are no new trombones. At all. And that's all I really feel like writing about school.

Oh, and Sarah and Heather left for college, and Nick is home. Dad and I went to the store to buy food. And I got to back the car out and drove on the lawn, because dad told me to, and I did NOT hit Roy. That's all.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why I Sleep In

Today I woke up at 7:30. In the morning. I usually wake up around noon. Why do I sleep in that long? There's less time for me to have nothing to do. And THAT is why I sleep in.
See what an amazing blogger I am? Writing about random things only because I'm bored because I woke up early.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Super MEGA Exciting Update on MY Super MEGA Exciting Life

(Anna {Since Heather seems to have forgotten about this blog.})
Okay, so maybe my life isn't super MEGA exciting, maybe not even super. Okay so it's not exciting at all, so what? So here's my update:

  1. We got yearbooks today
  2. I mangaged to write not only one, but two meaningful messages in said yearbooks. one of which thanking my best friend for getting new shoes (long story)
  3. I found out from the bubble quiz on 'What Color Are You?' that I am indeed Yellow.
  4. Nick is at Cadets in case you haven't heard
  5. We rearranged nicks room completely
  6. Nick hasn't texted me for two days
  7. We are moving all stuff from my room to Nick and Heather's room
  8. Why Nick's room too? There's just not enough room in heather's room to hold both our stuff.
  9. Heather is packing stuff up for collage
  10. I'm the only one still in school
  11. Heather graduauted early with Sarah
  12. I took WEST Tests last week, at least i think it was last week
  13. School field trip to Kenny Wood is next week. I'm with Soofia and Courtney, and some kid who I don't know

And that is my update. I want cookies.......

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's Called "Walking Fast"

I usually walk fast down the hall to get to class because I have two classes that couldn't be farther apart. So I'm walking quickly down the hall passing everyone who is going slower than a snail and all of a sudden Mrs. Frank appears! She likes to yell at us students, it like a hobby of hers. She once almost gave me a 2 minute lecture about the dangers of skipping down an empty hallway and how I might injure others.

She singled me out and pulled me out of the mass of 7th graders who were rushing away in fright. "What do you think you're doing?"

I could have pretended not to have any idea what she was talking about, but me being a good student decided to tell the truth.

"Walking fast."

"That was not walking fast! That was running as fast as you can!!!!!"

Apparently she's never seen me run, I go way faster than that. She went on and on about the dangers of running in the hall and how I can injure myself and others and when she was done I had a minute to go halfway across the building to my next class.

How did I make it in time?

I walked. Quickly.