Monday, November 8, 2010

Bleeding Blue

I was reading Anna's post, and I thought, "I should write something." I only have a few minutes before I have to run off to chemistry class, but I thought I'd give a general summary of my life here at college.

1) Dorms. I've decided that I generally like living in dorms. There's thirty-three other girls that share a bathroom with you, but rarely are they all in there at the same time. Plus, if I was to see a certain movie, chances are somebody on the floor has it with them and will watch it with you. (Also, they will later join you when you randomly begin singing, "The Hills Are Alive.")

2) Classes. Other than calculus, my classes aren't that hard. In fact, it is rather fun to go to class most of the time. Today in dance class, we practiced the cha cha, and we learned how to twirl into a bowing position for when the dance ends.

3) Professors. I have some very good professors and some that change the definition of a chromosome back and forth throughout the lecture. But in general, most of them are nice and helpful.

4) Weather. That is one thing I do not like out here. It is raining today, so it has been miserable in the cold trudging back and forth between classes.

Well, I have to take off to class. Luckily I have a friend who saves me a seat.


mindy said...

It's Heather!!! She's alive!!! SO glad to read your update! Keep em coming:)

Julie Ramsay said...

Oh college life is soooo much fun! glad you are having a blast! Unfortunately winter is coming on...snow snow snow!